Monday, August 23, 2010

My first blog entry should tell you a bit about me, my background, and what I will blog about.

I used to be a liberal. Then, my paradigm shifted.

Like most baby-boomer US born Jews, my parents (and most American Jews) assumed that FDR was president and Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady – and this was until the ‘80s! Republicans were “bad” and Democrats were “good.” (Never mind that the Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Bill and stood for segregation in the South and that it was a Republican President – Eisenhower – who Federalized the National Guard to escort black students into Little Rock Central High school.)

Attending an Ivy League school for my undergraduate degree in the ‘60s immersed me in the liberal pro-peace, anti-Vietnam, Communism may not be that bad, tax the rich, give to the poor, big government is good philosophy. And, that’s how I was and that’s how I stayed until my 50’s when my paradigm shifted.

I voted for Jimmy Carter. That was probably the most incorrect vote of my life.

I voted for Bill Clinton. Twice. In fact, when Clinton ran for his first presidential term, I was a “Friend of Bill” and received “thank you from Bill” tickets to see the live show at the Lincoln Memorial the day before his 1993 inauguration. Then, a few weeks into his administration, the “travelgate” scandal broke and I realized the Clinton team (Bill & Hillary) were not the people they appeared to be. Why did I vote for Bill for his second term? I believed he was a better alternative than Dole and that the Republican congress could keep Clinton “mainstream.” And, it might have worked out OK if Clinton could have avoided sexually abusing a Jewish White House intern and then lying about it.

I am also a physician and saw during my training in inner city Baltimore, how unwed black women (children, really) were having multiple babies without any financial means to care for their offspring other than Great Society funds that rewarded this bad behavior. I saw how Johnson’s Great Society came to perpetuate this sad situation by destroying initiative and wrecking the black family. And how liberal’s welfare schemes created fatherless families, and perpetuated this hopeless downward cycle which destroyed at least one generation.

I understood that it was not by supporting policies that makes one feel good that makes the world better, but rather by supporting policies that actually are effective and that may not, at first blush, “feel” quite as good.

I did not understand why liberals blamed America for so many of the world’s problems. I did not understand why liberals were so anti-military.

I also saw the nascent anti-Israel sentiments develop in the left in the 70’s and 80’s.  This Jew-hatred from the left continues and grows. (True, there are also Jew-haters on the right like Patrick Buchanan. But he and his ilk are basically shut out of mainstream Republican and conservative dialogue and write only on the fringe.)  But, take a look at the mainstream “standard” journal of liberal (progressive) thought – The Nation Magazine. It’s “always” Israel’s fault in its articles. Jew hatred and blaming Israel is now acceptable on the left. But not on the right.

And, that brings me to sentiments that I will express in this blog.

A love for the greatest Country in the world: the USA. Support for our strongest ally: Israel. Keeping America robust by encouraging our free enterprise capitalist system. Support for our military, without which the previous is impossible. And, favoring restraints on Government which grows and metastasizes like a cancer by always demanding more and more of our hard-earned money.

And, my random musings on how left wing and progressive policies are endangering our security, our economic vitality, our health care system and our eternal quest for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting evolution! Looking forward to reading on!
